Integrations that drive results
Simple, secure payments
Easy payment processing
Accept payments seamlessly with our built-in payment processor, GuestyPay, or connect to third-party processors like Stripe, Hyp, or Merchant Warrior
Top security measures
From risk monitoring and chargeback management to PCI-compliant payments, Guesty offers top-of-line safety and security measures that give you peace of mind
Streamlined payments activity
Save time with automated payment collection. Gain full visibility and transparency of all your payment-related tasks from one centralized dashboard.
Payment solutions that keep your business running smoothly
Built-in payment processing
Ensure business continuity. Process payments quickly and securely with Guesty’s in-house payment processor that provides end-to-end credit card verification and prevents transaction failures.
Automated payment collection
Activate automatic payments collection. Define rules for each of your listings, like when to collect a balance due, and have Guesty collect payments for you automatically through your connected processor.
Secure payment links
Collect payments securely. Guesty provides you with a secure, level 1 PCI-compliant way to receive payments with a link that can be added to invoices, quotes, or your direct booking website.
Fraud and chargeback management
Security you can count on. Prevent revenue loss with a dedicated payments team that monitors and flags threats, credit card authorization holds, and efficient chargeback management.
Third-party integrations
Use the processor of your choice. Process payments using GuestyPay, or connect to Stripe, Hyp, or Merchant Warrior, as well as to a wide range of third-party tools that help mitigate fraud and chargebacks.
Detailed reporting
Gain full transparency. With GuestyPay, efficiently reconcile settlements and payouts and access comprehensive reports that provide an up-to-date view of your transaction history.