Gain Trust, Increase Revenue and Direct Bookings and Receive Forward Booking Demand Data
Direct Booking Tools by Booking Insights allows you to protect the public while increasing bookings with our price comparison tool and give them the most convincing proposition to book directly with your company. Get forward-looking booking demand data from your dashboard and proactively adjust your marketing and business strategies to maximize occupancy. Our mission is to empower vacation rental industry professionals with cutting-edge technology and business intelligence solutions that drive bottom-line growth for our clients.
The benefits of using Direct Booking Tools with Guesty
- Increase Direct Bookings – direct bookings allow you to run your business the way you want to run your business. Not to mention they spend more, stay longer, review your company and return time and time again.
- Increase Online Conversion Rates – industry average is .52%. This means you need 200 visitors for 1 booking. If you can cut this down to 80 visitors, this will increase revenue and decrease marketing costs.
- Forward Booking Demand – we provide you with website data about what the market is looking for on your site at any given time. Increasing your ability to know if you should adjust rates, nightly requirements. when to send your marketing materials and many other factors.