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Financial platform that reduces expenses and saves time with team cards, trust accounts, property expense management, automated bookkeeping, AI bill pay.

Accountable is custom-built for vacation rental managers to keep financials accountable by property and employee. Reconcile transactions 90% faster, save hundreds of bookkeeping hours, and recapture up to $1,000 per property in lost yearly expenses with our automated accounting workflows. Eliminate duplicate, manual bookkeeping errors by pushing transactions from Accountable into Guesty owner statements and your own operating accounting system like Quickbooks.

The benefits of using Accountable with Guesty

  • Mobile Expense Management: Connect cards like Amex or Chase or use Accountable Visa cards to capture receipts and properties instantly.
  • Reduce Spending and Automate Bookkeeping: Issue employee rewards cards, set custom merchant restrictions and spending limits, and automate accounting workflows.
  • Easy vendor and owner payments: AI-powered bill pay with custom approvals, same-day ACH and mailed checks, and bulk pay via high-yield accounts.

Integration Features

  • Import Properties and Listings to Accountable Instantly: For easy categorization of income and expense transactions.
  • Sync Expenses to Guesty Owner Statements: Sync transactions with one click to maximize owner reimbursements without manually entering into Guesty.
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