After nearly 10 years in public accounting and two years transforming the accounting & finance function at Cuvee, a global luxury vacation rental company, Jesse Ehret founded Ximplifi in 2018. Jesse teamed up with Adam Laney and Jennifer Liddell, two prior PwC colleagues, with a mission to help vacation rental management companies achieve greater financial success by leveraging technology and outsourcing their accounting and finance functions. Today, the boutique firm supports over 50 vacation rental organizations across the globe offering accounting services, software implementation services and an integration platform, VRAccountant. VRAccountant integrates property management systems and other applications with accounting systems to automate vacation rental accounting and reporting.
Customers have eagerly awaited this integration, which saves them hours of time.
Ximplifi first learned of Guesty at a VRMA conference and began working with some of their clients to provide outsourced accounting & CFO advisory services using a “best-in-class” approach. “Guesty has a modern platform that’s intuitive and people love to use. Combine this with great data, integrations and easy-to-use open API, we knew it would be a great partnership” said Ehret. Using the best-in-class approach, Ximplifi allows its clients to have the best of both worlds: a state-of-the-art rental management platform to drive bookings & operations combined with the accounting system that best fits their needs. Whether it’s easy-to-use QuickBooks Online or the best cloud-based financial management platform for small to medium sized businesses, Sage Intacct, Ximplifi helps its clients optimize technology to save time, simplify trust accounting, have accurate books, and better clarity into the financial performance of their business.
Happy clients with a growing bottom line! With Guesty’s rental management platform to drive rental revenue growth combined with Ximplifi’s VRAccountant integration platform and outsourced accounting teams, clients have peace-of-mind and more time to scale their business.
“When I think about where our business really took off, it starts with our Guesty partnership and integration and the exposure brought to us on the Guesty Marketplace. It’s been great working with a forward thinking partner that shares so many values: innovation, best-in-class, customer-first thinking, and on and on,” Ehret said. “The product and its open API are second to none, with a team that supports their partners and ensures their success. There’s not a client we have in our portfolio that hasn’t grown 30-100% or more since combining our services.”