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Guesty x Minut: How Guesty furthers Minut’s goals of privacy, safety and top-notch guest experience

August 13, 2020 |
Guesty X Minut: How Guesty Furthers Minut’s Goals of Privacy, Safety and Top-Notch Guest Experience

Meet Minut

In 2009, Nils Mattisson was living in the San Francisco Bay area, working in an exploratory design group at Apple. Airbnb was just getting started, the app landscape was taking hold, and Nils questioned what the intersection of innovative tech and user privacy would be. He eventually joined forces with three fellow Swedes, Marcus Ljungblad, Fredrik Ahlberg and Martin Lööf, who shared his passion for technology, privacy and community, as well as tackling unsolved challenges. 

They asked themselves one question: Is it possible to monitor a home, without monitoring the people within it? Determined to solve this problem and fueled on sleepless nights, nonstop days, and steaming bowls of hand-pulled noodles, Minut was born. 

Guesty X Minut: How Guesty Furthers Minut’s Goals of Privacy, Safety and Top-Notch Guest ExperienceMinut offers camera-free, smart home sensors built with guest privacy top-of-mind. The devices measure sound levels without recording or listening to guests and do not collect, store or share personal data. Hosts can use Minut from anywhere in the world for noise monitoring, temperature and humidity insights, and a built-in security alarm. 

Minut x Guesty 

Although Minut offers protection for homes and properties, the company also strives to make the entire short-term rental process as smooth as possible for both hosts and guests. Guesty helps Minut deliver a frictionless experience that makes the day-to-day management of properties easier – from guest communication and task management to keeping track of listings across multiple booking channels.

“Minut strives to deliver a best-in-class service that meets the needs and high expectations of our customers. An important way for us to do that is to partner with the best companies in the industry and Guesty is one of them. Guesty shares our vision for innovation and technology, so the decision to work with Guesty came easily.” says Mattisson Co-Founder and CEO of Minut

The Results 

Since starting, Minut immediately saw positive results and more and more of its customers are requesting the integration with Guesty. Being a member of Guesty’s Marketplace of vetted and approved third-party tech solutions also provides Minut with exposure to Guesty’s expansive user base, as well as brand awareness as leaders in privacy-safe hosting.

The integration gives Minut customers access to Guesty’s automated messaging tools, a feature that has proven to be extremely beneficial so far. For example, hosts are able to automatically send a text message directly to guests when noise levels are exceeded – in the case of a party it would be crucial for property managers to receive a noise alert and then immediately contact the guests. 

These instant messages often solve the problem effectively before neighbors complain or damages occur. “With the Guesty X Minut integration, staying on top of the situation has never been easier,” adds Mattisson. 

third-party tech solutions also provides Minut with exposure to Guesty’s expansive user baseOverall, Mattisson and his team believe that it is “fantastic to be in partnership with a company that works hard to grow the vacation rental industry. Guesty’s team is amazing to work with. They are service-minded and professional and it’s easy to see why Guesty is successful with such great people at every level.”

See Guesty in Action

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