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When Guests Return: What You Can Do Now to Prepare

This is a guest post from our partners at Minut

As lockdowns are being lifted worldwide, and reservation rates are climbing again, it’s time to prepare for your guests’ return. Below, we’ve listed five actions every property management company should take to prepare for the post-COVID-19 vacation season. 

  1. Finish Any Outstanding Repairs

There’s no better time to take care of all those small repairs you’ve been meaning to get to over the past few months. Perhaps the bathroom door is creaking or the sink has been in need of an upgrade for years — now that you have some spare time between guests, make sure every one of those little details is addressed before the guests come back.

Now is also the perfect time to start large renovation projects, taking advantage of the downtime to raise the standard of your rental so that you can start charging higher rates. Think about how you want the guest to feel in your home, and modify the interior accordingly – sometimes just painting the walls a lighter color or adding some throw blankets and plants for warmth can make all the difference. 

  1. Review and Adjust Cleaning Protocols

Over the past few months, more rigorous personal hygiene measures — such as frequent and thorough hand washing — have become the new norm. Naturally, businesses need to adjust, too. To give guests greater peace of mind before (and during) their visit, implement a strict cleaning protocol and communicate it in your listings.

Companies such as Airbnb and Vrbo have already published their new regulations for the post-COVID-19 landscape. At the very minimum, ensure you can meet them, but also think about how you can go beyond them to boost guests’ confidence in choosing your property. 

  1. Revamp Your Marketing Strategy

With less time spent on coordinating visits and communication with guests, now is also a good time to turn to projects that will reap long-term rewards, such as your marketing plan. Start with brainstorming ideas and researching your competitors’ approach, and then modify your own.

While developing a new marketing strategy might sound daunting, if done right, it will make a dramatic difference to the number of bookings — and it can be as simple as enhancing your social media presence or reviewing and perfecting your listings. 

As you go through the process, don’t forget about the power of visuals — you can try taking photos and videos yourself for a more organic feel or hire a professional to achieve a more polished look. And if you want to take your Instagram posts to the next level, check out apps like Snapseed and Canva that let you edit photos and design graphics without the need for technical skills.

  1. Make Your Rentals Smarter

With social distancing still being encouraged around the world, many guests will appreciate a more contactless check-in and check-out experience. Smart locks were already becoming an industry standard before the pandemic, and they will prove more useful now than ever.

Another device to look into are smart home alarm systems and noise detectors such as the Minut smart home sensor. They allow for keeping an eye on your property remotely, helping to identify when guests come and go, and when maintenance might be needed. Their noise monitoring feature will also inform you when your guests throw a party in your rental, flouting your house rules (or local prohibitions of large private gatherings). This way, you’ll be able to make sure that everything is running smoothly, and that your neighbors and guests are happy, without ever having to actually be on the site.

  1. Connect With the Community

Can you think of any local restaurants, activities or tours that could be popular with your guests? Now that almost all businesses are experiencing an economic slowdown, it’s a great time to build partnerships — check if any local establishments can offer discounts on delivery or special offers for online events for your guests.

When fostering new and existing connections, don’t forget about your neighbors – reach out to them to let them know that you are running a short-term rental company and invest in building a good relationship. Listen to them and answer any questions they might have about having guests in their neighborhood, and outline the ways in which you’re going to ensure their comfort in the process (such as implementing quiet hours or installing a noise monitor).

About Minut 

Protect your home, your neighbors’ peace and quiet and your guests’ privacy with Minut. Get real-time analytics and notifications on noise, motion, temperature and humidity in your property, from anywhere in the world. Prevent parties, look after your home and build trust with neighbors. All without compromising on privacy.

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