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Product webinar: Answering FAQs about our guest communication services

As any rental manager knows, guest communication is one of the most time-consuming yet critical aspects of your job. With inquiries coming in from potential, future, and current guests at all hours of the day, it can be demanding and costly to make sure your customers are consistently met with quick responses and high-quality service.

That’s where our Guest Communication Services come in. Guesty users have the option of handing over your guest communication to our team of trained experts, effectively removing this task from your workload either 24/7 or just during your team’s off-hours.

To get a better idea of how valuable this service is and how much it can save you, our Guest Service Experts are here to answer the questions they get asked the most. To hear what they have to say, watch below!

To find the answers you’re looking for, click on any of the questions below to jump to the part of the video where we answer it:

  1. How do you know the answers to guests’ questions?
  2. What do you do if you don’t have the answer to a question on file?
  3. How do you handle emergencies?
  4. How can using the Guest Communication Service increase my occupancy rate?
  5. Can you take over guest communication only during my team’s off-hours?
  6. Do you handle reservation changes, refunds, and cancellations?
  7. Why should I use Guesty’s Guest Communication Service if I can have my own team handle communication?
  8. What if I have a special use case of how I want to utilize this Guest Communication Service?

To say goodbye to tedious guest communication once and for all, find out how our Guest Communication Services can transform your business. Here’s how to get started:

Not a Guesty user?
Click here to request a demo of the Guesty platform.

Already a Guesty user?
If you have a Customer Success Manager, you can speak with them directly.
If you are supported by our Solutions team, contact us for more details.

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