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How to write a rental property listing that captures attention

Selling vacant rentals in this day and age is a strenuous and risky task for most landlords. The social distancing measure, stay-at-home orders, and a possible looming recession have caused a decrease in real estate activities. 

But despite all the setbacks and challenges of the pandemic, people still need a place to live and work. Once you learn how to write mind-blowing rental property listings to convince potential tenants to rent your vacant space, the sky’s the limit. 

Let’s take a look at how you can write a captivating rental property listing.

Write a powerful headline

In a sea of so many listings, headlines are everything in grabbing potential renters’ attention. Your headline should make them stop what they are doing and look at your offer. Thus, pique their interest with a unique title. 

The tactics you can use to make interesting headlines include adding humor, figures of speech, punctuation marks, emojis, and keywords and captions for your listing to be easily found on search results. 

Besides, your headline needs to convey the message clearly and distinctly. Here’s a good example of a powerful rental headline. 

Notice how the landlord has used bolds and adjectives to make it more interesting? 

Include high-quality visuals

Visuals are a must in any rental property listing ad. Renters need to see whatever space they will be occupying. Hence, accompany your listing with great visuals. Photos of the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom are usually very ideal in this case. 

Ensure you include photos taken during sunset and sunrise as they are more appealing to make your ad interesting. Consider also, include photos of the front and back of the property shot at different angles.

You can also take a video of your property and provide mini-tours. Share these on your website and social media channels to bring your property to life.

Your rental description or property description

Through the description, aim to include the best features your property has. Write persuasive copy that hooks renters and shows them how ideal your space is.

The important elements to include are security features, smart home features, parking, neighborhood, balcony space, and special services. Let’s see how this unfolds from the example below. 

Remember to be quick and on point, but don’t exaggerate. Consider emphasizing key features in bold and apply copywriting techniques such as AIDA to make your description intriguing. 

Include and answer FAQ

A FAQ section may include a quick repeat of all you said in the description section and any other common questions renters have asked you before. It prevents being asked the same question repeatedly and convenient for potential renters who skim rental listings. It should be as structured as possible and hyperlink out to each answer. 

Add social proof

Convincing potential renters is daunting. Most often, they are looking at other property listings or consulting with their partners or bank. Others may have second thoughts. 

To nudge them to pick up the phone and call you, make sure your reviews are front and center, and be sure to highlight the positive reviews from past guests, what they loved about your space and how much of a pleasure it was staying at your property. 

The takeaway

Getting potential tenants to look at your property and even rent it requires more than just posting quality photos on Instagram. 

You also have to show prospective renters what benefits they will get when they rent the property. To close deals faster, ensure you reveal any hidden cost and convince potential renters with your best features, amenities, and customer reviews. 

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