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Tips for becoming a 5-star Airbnb host

As a host on Airbnb, receiving five-star reviews won’t just boost your self-esteem – it’ll also boost your profits. Reviews are essential because the hosting community is based on a foundation of trust, both for guests – to have confidence in booking your home, and for you – to be comfortable opening your home to complete strangers. This feedback provides a way for both sides to feel secure and an incentive to be on their best behavior. When it comes to bookings, a guest will be much more likely to book with a host who has a history of great reviews. 

High ratings also enable more visitors to see your listing. Airbnb wants to reward their top hosts because they can trust that they’re providing guests with a top-rate experience. Therefore, the more five-star reviews you get, the higher Airbnb will rank your listing and the more bookings you’ll rake in.

person leaving 5 star rating

So what’s the secret to a five-star review? Creating a complete guest experience. Put yourself in your guests’ shoes and think about what you’d need and want for a phenomenal experience. (If you’re looking for an excuse for a vacation, becoming a guest at some other five-star listings for research purposes is a great one!)

There are countless ways you can accommodate your guests and let them know that their satisfaction is your top priority, but let’s start with these seven simple and effective steps you can take to become a host worth recommending.

1. Great communication is key

Guests start forming an opinion of you from the first moment of contact and your communication with them continues to be important every step of the way. You want your guests to know that you’re available to them, especially if there’s a question, problem, or emergency. Even if you can’t provide a solution or answer immediately, a quick response letting them know you’re there is the best thing you can do for guest satisfaction. 

Be a rapid responder. It’s important to reply immediately to questions and check in throughout your guests’ stay. In addition to keeping them happy, responsiveness is one of the criteria to become an Airbnb Superhost which is another stamp of approval that will boost your reputation as a host and bring in more bookings. 

It can be easy to fall behind in guest communication but you can easily improve your response rate and ensure you never miss an inquiry through an automated messaging feature that you can set up using Guesty’s Automation Tools. Our platform streamlines communication with guests making it quicker and easier to boost your response rate and be on the ball each and every time.  

2. Set accurate expectations

You don’t need a perfect property, but you do need to be upfront and honest about what your guests should expect from their experience. Misrepresenting your property or leaving out the little details (which can, of course, be spun into charming quirks) can lead to disappointment and unsatisfied guests – which can result in bad reviews.

Be clear about any possible issues your property may have. If your guest knows in advance that the neighborhood isn’t so safe at night, the internet is spotty or that your house is old and a bit drafty, they can decide if these are deal breakers for their potential stay. Let them be the ones to decide if your listing is a good fit for their needs by providing clear and essential details. 

man gesturing to a historical site

3. Put on your tour guide cap 

There’s a good chance your guests have never visited your city before so helping them navigate their surroundings will be much appreciated. One basic touch is to provide a city map for them upon arrival, with a useful ‘You are here’ sign pointing to their current location. Include info about public transportation systems that will take them to central locations as well. You can simply leave a brochure showing the city’s mobility options as well as taxi or ride-sharing services. 

Help guests experience the area by directing them to attractions and services in the city, such as tourist sites, supermarkets, entertainment, and a few highly recommended restaurants at different price points. Scatter some local tourism books around for guests to peruse during their downtime. 

Add local flair to your rental by stocking some regional products such as soaps, lotions, art, or food items for guests to sample. Giving them a taste of the local culture is a nice touch that’s sure to impress. 

4. Be your own guest

Live in your space for a day or two to make sure it’s welcoming, set up functionally, and stocked with everything your guests will need – try to be preemptive, and don’t wait for your guests to complain. Do you have all of the necessary kitchen and bathroom equipment and are they accessible? Are there enough hangers in the closet and trash cans and power outlets where needed? Is there adequate lighting, and do windows, shades, and doors open and close easily?

Test that heat and air conditioning work and that there are no leaks in the plumbing. If you have an outdoor area, what would your guests need to enjoy it? 

As an Airbnb host, this is where you have the opportunity to make a special impression. The difference between a good and a great experience is in the little things, the extra touches that make your guests feel well taken care of and a little pampered. Start by providing some welcome food or snacks, games like a complimentary deck of cards, books for rainy days, and a bottle of wine. You can get really creative and make a big impression even by spending a small amount of money to enhance their experience. 

5. Make them feel at home

You don’t want your guests to feel like they’re staying in someone else’s space. Make them feel at home and welcome. Always make sure the space is clean and in good repair. Be generous with supplies and leave extra pillows, blankets, towels, toilet paper, etc.. Clear out your personal items, such as photos, and open food items so they feel like the space was prepared just for them. 

at home coffee station

6. Stock modern amenities

Investing in a few extra amenities can really enhance your guests’ experience and be well worth the extra dollars in great reviews. For example, adding a streaming subscription such as Netflix or AppleTV will be really appreciated during a rainy day or cozy night in. If that $15 subscription can help create one or two great reviews, it’s well worth it.

Ever had a late night and needed a caffeine pick-me-up the next morning? Your guests may too! A coffee or espresso machine or premium tea box can go a long way to win your guests over.

If your guests are coming on business, it’s a good idea to have a comfortable workstation and high-speed internet. Catering to families? Stock up on some toys and games. Make sure to provide the amenities that your guests will find high utility and high value.

7. Know your guests

Guests receive reviews too, so check out what other hosts are saying about your prospective guests.

Hosting responsible also means checking out the reviews they’re leaving on other properties to find out…

By identifying these key pieces of information, you can make sure to customize their experience and focus on what matters most to those specific guests.

Reviews are a critical factor in the success of your listing so it’s important to always be looking for ways to improve your guest experience. Using these suggestions and being aware of what other top hosts are doing will put you on the path to five stars. If you do get a critical review, don’t fret, use it as valuable feedback to improve your hosting style and create more happy guests in the future.

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